Patents & Your Competition

Of course, when you start to manufacture your invention, your competition will see it and can legally copy it until your patent issues. Even if you don’t show your invention but you file an application, it’ll be published 18 months after filing unless you give up all rights to file abroad. In conclusion, it is Read More

What if They Won’t Sign an NDA?

Now inevitably some people will violate the terms of an NDA even if they sign it. It’s therefore once again important to know who you’re entrusting with your invention. It’s also important to establish a confidential relationship with the customer if your invention is not patentable and customers won’t sign an NDA. If you have Read More

What is a Patent?

A patent grants inventors exclusive rights to their inventions and prevents others from making, using, or selling the invention without your permission. If your invention is not patentable, you can still protect it by having potential customers sign a nondisclosure agreement, or NDA. If you have more questions about this, I consider consulting with an Read More

Shhh! Keeping Inventions Secret

It’s important to be cautious when sharing your invention with others. By revealing your invention, you may put your intellectual property rights at risk. The more you reveal about your invention, the more likely another person can steal or copy it. To protect your invention, you should consider filing for a patent. If you have Read More

Patent Application Drafting Secrets

Most people have little experience with patents in their lives. They may need a patent attorney once in their life or maybe not at all. So it’s important to understand the different parts of a patent application in order to help your attorney draft the application. A patent application begins with a discussion of the Read More

Copyright & Fair Use Dangers

Copyright Fair Use is a compass guiding us through the delicate balance between artistic protection and free expression. Let’s explore examples where Fair Use comes alive. Picture a film critic dissecting the nuances of a blockbuster movie, showcasing snippets to illustrate points. This is Fair Use, enabling insightful commentary. Imagine a teacher compiling educational materials, Read More

Your Vital Trademark Renewal

Today, I’d like to emphasize the significance of trademark renewal, a pivotal step in safeguarding a brand’s integrity and legal protection. Trademarks are the essence of a company’s identity, encapsulating its reputation and values. However, their protection is not indefinite. To maintain the exclusive rights that trademarks offer, regular renewal is essential. This process involves Read More

How to Stop Patent Infringement

Patent infringement is the unauthorized use, manufacture, or sale of a patented invention without permission of the patent holder. If you suspect that someone is infringing your patent, you can take the following steps to stop them. First, gather evidence. That means collect all relevant information and evidence that proves the infringement. This includes any Read More

Copyright Termination

Copyright termination is a legal provision that offers creators a second chance, a chance to regain control over their creative works. Imagine an artist who sold their masterpiece early in their career, only to see its values skyrocket with time. Copyright termination allows them or their heirs to reclaim those rights, reaping the rewards of Read More

Trademarks & Domain Name Interference

In the digital age where online presence is paramount, the intricate dance between trademarks and domain names takes center stage. Trademarks are the embodiment of a brand’s essence and reputation. They serve as the anchor for consumer trust and product quality. However, the digital landscape introduces a unique challenge, domain names. These virtual addresses are Read More