Werner Stemer vs The Giants

And that kind of takes away the idea that maybe entities may just challenge patents. I believe you have some experience in this regard to certain entities that just challenge patents based on, just thinking they aren’t valid. Yeah, I happen to be in an IPR right now, where the patents, a small company, they Read More

Your Guide to The Prevail Act & Challenging Patents

With regard to the fairness that you mentioned a minute ago, the fairness aspect, the PREVAIL Act introduces some, challenges to, or introduces some check marks where Not everybody can challenge the patent, or they’re trying to limit the number of people or persons that are allowed to challenge. The number of petitions that may Read More

Patent Bullying & Fairness

Let’s say some large company really doesn’t like that I have this patent, they can just file an IPR, challenge my patent, and I, who have received this patent, now have to defend this. Is that fair? Uh, well, I guess the, the fairness aspect would be, you have to go back to whether or Read More

Please Keep Your Idea Secret! Part 2

You must be very wary of showing your invention to anyone, even your brother-in-law. Keep it secret for as long as you can, even after you file a patent application. It’s the most conservative way to go. Companies, large companies, don’t have to worry about that. They know that they can flood the market, and Read More