Please Keep Your Idea Secret! Part 1

People are solving problems all the time, especially engineers are solving problems, and we have had actually seminars that we’ve run in corporations where we try to make the engineers cognizant of the fact that what they’re working on to solve a particular problem may actually be patentable, and it should be written up. What Read More

You Have an Idea, What You Should Do Next Part 2

Again, the most conservative advice is to keep it secret for as long as you can. A lot of people can’t do that or don’t want to do that, so then at least file a patent application. The lesser step is at least file a provisional patent application, so at least you can record the Read More

You Have an Idea, What You Should Do Next Part 1

The most conservative advice is to wait until your patent issues before you try to market it. Because what will happen is, when people see it, if they think it’s really valuable, they’ll go to their patent attorney. And their patent attorney will say, this is not patented right now. You can copy it until Read More

The Dangers of Invention Marketing Firms

One must be very careful about not going to so called invention marketing firms because what these people love to do is write up your invention, send it out to manufacturers all across the country or across the world. And what happens then is that you, not being familiar with the patent system, unknowingly have Read More