Why The Prevail Act
Again, the basic background, why are Senator Coons and Tills concerned with this Prevail Act? Why introduce that for, we’ve mentioned a few reasons, but what’s the overarching issue?
So, what Senator Coons, and there’s a sheet on his website which explains kind of the reasons why he wanted to bring the Prevail Act, one of the issues is that he feels the United States is ceding technological supremacy to China.
And there’s, the State Department had a study that found the U.S. lags in something like 37 out of 44 emerging technology areas. He doesn’t say what metric this is in terms of, is it actual patent applications, granted patents, or just products on the market? Are they, you know, spying on military production, it doesn’t really say what this is, but one of his solutions is that, or addressing the IPR challenges is they want to keep more patents valid, is how I understand it.
Alright, to put up hurdles, more hurdles, against success towards the IPR challenge.