What’s the Point of The Prevail Act?

Again, going back to the basic idea of the prevail act right to keep our competitiveness in the technological arena at a high level or even improving it because we’re falling behind, China is a good example, right? So the prevail act as we’ve just discussed it really does what it says it should be doing. What do you think? You think that’s one possibility?

That is one possibility in the hypotheticals we go is go back to is it’s a small inventor or a small entity, a small company, an individual inventor who has this patent, and it’s being challenged by a large corporation. In that case, making it harder for that large corporation to invalidate the smaller company or individual inventor’s patent is a great idea. Something we have to consider is the opposite of that, I guess, is if it’s a small inventor that wants to enter a space or expand their place in a certain technological space and it’s the large inventor or large company who has their patent, making it harder to challenge could present obstacles to that, that small inventor. But under the Prevail Act, the goal is just to keep more patents valid.