Patent Bullying & Fairness
Let’s say some large company really doesn’t like that I have this patent, they can just file an IPR, challenge my patent, and I, who have received this patent, now have to defend this. Is that fair?
Uh, well, I guess the, the fairness aspect would be, you have to go back to whether or not the, the patent should have been granted in the first place, and that’s the fairness question that the IPR is handling. Whether or not there’s a patent. Some abuse of bullying when it comes to like economic power or disparity between the parties, that that could be a fairness issue. But if a patent is granted and if it’s in an important space where there’s multiple competitors that would like to enter that business space, they have this opportunity to say, hey, this patent should not have been granted or I, you know, I want to be in this space and they have the economic ability to challenge that.