The Dangers of Invention Marketing Firms
One must be very careful about not going to so called invention marketing firms because what these people love to do is write up your invention, send it out to manufacturers all across the country or across the world. And what happens then is that you, not being familiar with the patent system, unknowingly have just given up all the rights to your invention because after your invention has been out there in the marketplace for a year, you’ve given away all your rights to get a patent.
We’ve had many people through the years come to us and say, I’ve gone to this invention marketing firm, I’ve given them seven or ten thousand dollars, and nobody seems to be interested in my patent, and my first question is, when did they first send it out there?
And usually it’s more than a year, and I have to tell them the bad news that, not only didn’t this firm help them, but they actually led them down the road to give away their patent rights.