Terms & Conditions

No Attorney-Client Relationship Formed:
All materials on this Web site are provided by Lerner Greenberg Stemer LLP for informational purposes only and do not contain legal advice, legal opinions or any other form of advice regarding any specific facts or circumstances. The transmission and receipt of information contained on the Web site neither form nor constitute an attorney-client relationship with Lerner Greenberg Stemer LLP, or any of its partners, associates or consultants. Any use of the information contained on this Web site or transmittal of information from emails on this Web site do not give you a reasonable basis for a belief that that use creates an attorney client relationship.

Transmission of Information:
If you would like Lerner Greenberg Stemer LLP to represent you, the best way to initiate a discussion about that representation is to call the firm at 954.925.1100. It is important that we not create a conflict of interest between you and any of our current or past clients. This protects both you and them. Therefore, under no circumstance should you provide us with information pertaining to a matter without first speaking to one of our attorneys and receiving confirmation that the appropriate conflict checks have been cleared and the firm determines that it is otherwise able to accept the engagement.